Helping socially anxious professionals, highly-sensitive introverts, and shy singles find confidence and calm through social anxiety treatment.

Relationships make life worthwhile.  They can also feel awkward, difficult, or overwhelming.  That’s especially true if you’re socially anxious.

If you’re considering therapy, chances are you find yourself stuck repeating the same painful patterns. 

You want to feel content, but find yourself regularly feeling anxious, self-conscious, and lonely.

Perhaps you know deep down that you'd be happier if you had more authentic relationships, but avoiding people (and therefore rejection) feels, well…safer.  

Stuck in negativity and feeling hopeless, you may feel like life is only half-lived because you struggle to build the friendships, romantic relationships, and community you crave.

Do you feel insecure and frustrated?

Do any of the following resonate with you?

  • You feel lonely even when you are with others.

  • You constantly doubt and criticize yourself.

  • You yearn for a life partner but can’t seem to break the “curse” that keeps you single.

  • You feel dread and shame any time you think about letting others see the “real” you.

  • You’ve focused so much on academics and your career that you have few close relationships.

  • You’ve been shy since you were a child and don’t know how to break out of your lifelong insecurities.

If so, please know you’re not alone – every human being feels shy periodically and millions experience full-blown social anxiety.

Needing help is human.  It doesn’t make you a failure; quite the opposite, in fact!  It takes immense courage to acknowledge our difficulties and ask for help.

Here’s the good news: you don’t have to go through life feeling insecure and alone.  

Self-care is not indulgent or selfish. In fact, it’s essential to take care of yourself when you have the responsibility of caring for others.

In-person or online social anxiety therapy can help you build the loving relationships you've always wanted

In-person or online therapy can help you rise above your social anxiety and start moving toward your ideal life, one with less pain and more connection.

Even if you are not sure how a therapist could support you, online therapy may be able to help.

At the Social Anxiety Support Center, we’ve helped hundreds of individuals build confidence and learn how to connect more deeply with others.  

We specialize in helping hardworking, highly sensitive people who've struggled to build meaningful relationships since childhood, including:

  • Socially anxious professionals

  • Shy singles who are struggling to find a long-term relationship

  • Couples who feel disconnected thanks to social anxiety  

  • Immigrants and first-generation/third-culture individuals who struggle to fit in

  • Highly sensitive trauma survivors who yearn to feel confident and connected. 

Combined, our team of action-oriented therapists has decades of experience helping people like you.  We’re passionate about providing compassionate, cutting-edge care that helps shy introverts feel better about themselves.  

We want nothing more than to see you calmly and confidently build the relationships you deserve.

How in-person or online social anxiety disorder treatment works:

With in-person or online sessions, you can enjoy the benefits of therapy from the comfort of your home. 

You’ll access our secure video office through your computer, cell phone, or mobile device.    

In-person or online therapy consists of 50-minute, one-on-one sessions that help you work through your concerns. 

In addition to deeply listening, your therapist will share the latest that science has to say about how to overcome social anxiety and build satisfying relationships.  

Because your therapist has spent years working helping people improve their relationships, they’ll be uniquely suited to help you build deeper connections. They won’t hesitate to share their hard-earned knowledge about what works (or doesn’t) when it comes to connecting with others.

In addition to providing evidence-based, specialized feedback, your therapist will use experiential approaches to ensure you’re building key relationship skills.  We believe that insight + action = change, so we’re dedicated to finding creative ways for you to implement everything you’re learning.

Here’s how in-person or online therapy will work, step-by-step:

  1. First, your therapist will create a safe, accepting space so that you will feel comfortable sharing your struggles with them.

  2. As you share, your therapist will listen intently and ask questions to ensure they have a balanced and nuanced picture of your struggles with social anxiety.  

  3. Together, you’ll set clear goals and develop a roadmap.  Your therapist will help you identify clear, concrete steps to take during and between sessions.  

  4. Next, your therapist will start by helping you with immediate concerns such as managing difficult emotions and anxiety-provoking situations.

  5. While your therapist helps you address urgent matters, they’ll begin to teach you evidence-based anxiety reduction skills and relational neuroscience practices to help you connect with others with ease.

  6. Once urgent matters are resolved, your therapist will help you develop the skills and confidence needed to build happier, deeper relationships.  They’ll cheerlead you every step of the way as you take the courageous step of reaching out for more connections.

  7. Throughout the process, your therapist will guide you through creative, action-oriented practices designed to help you integrate what you’re learning. 

  8. Your therapist will stay ever-creative as they craft sessions to meet your individual and evolving needs.  

  9. Over the course of your sessions, you will start making progress toward the self-confidence and companionship you desire.

Can’t make it in person? Get effective social anxiety treatment from the comfort of your home in the San Francisco Bay Area or across California.

Worried about the effectiveness of online sessions?  Good news – research shows that teletherapy is as effective as face-to-face sessions.  

Furthermore, science indicates that online therapy can positively change your thinking, beliefs, emotions, and behaviors. It can help you let go of what’s holding you back from building meaningful relationships with friends, dates, spouses, and colleagues.

Our team has been offering video and phone sessions to clients since 2010.  Our clinicians are highly skilled at offering action-oriented approaches even at a distance.

Ready to start overcoming social anxiety?

Let’s Get Started

Ready to start feeling calm and confident? 

If you feel like your life is only half-lived because you struggle to connect with others, in-person or online therapy could help.

Here's how it works: fill out an application and request a time for a free 30-minute consultation. Our Care Coordinator will speak with you about your social anxiety struggles and help you determine whether our team is a good fit to help you reach your goals. If so, they’ll help you choose a therapist and get you started with a first session. 

We're here for you!

Offering online and in-person services