Are HSPs socially anxious? Beyond the shy introvert stereotype

Are HSPs socially anxious? Beyond the shy introvert stereotype

According to Elaine Aron’s research, 15-20% of the population is highly sensitive.  Highly sensitive people (HSPs) are more affected by the world around them and within them.  Compared to the rest of the population, they notice more subtleties, feel and think more deeply, and may feel overstimulated or overwhelmed. Scientists have named the HSPs heightened receptivity Sensory Processing Sensitivity.  

Sensitivity has its advantages, so it makes sense that the course of evolution…

How Cognitive Distortions Cause Social Anxiety

How Cognitive Distortions Cause Social Anxiety

Most human beings periodically leave social situations worrying about whether they made a good impression.

Yet chronic and debilitating fears of social embarrassment, humiliation, or rejection amount to more than fleeting, garden-variety shyness.  If you constantly worry that others dislike you, you may struggle with social anxiety disorder (SAD).

You are in good company if you avoid dating, hate parties, or prefer a root canal over public speaking.  The National Institute for Mental Health estimates 7.1% of the United States population experiences social anxiety disorder.

In addition to physical symptoms (e.g., blushing, trembling) and anxiety-fueled behaviors (e.g., avoiding eye contact or small talk), social anxiety affects your thinking in the form of seemingly endless self-critical thoughts.

How to Overcome Social Anxiety and Low Self-Esteem Naturally

How to Overcome Social Anxiety and Low Self-Esteem Naturally

In our article, Is Social Anxiety Caused By Trauma? Why Effective Social Anxiety Disorder Treatment is Trauma-Informed, I shared some of the potential causes of social anxiety.

In short, while some are born with social anxiety due to genetic factors, struggles with social anxiety typically only become lifelong after stressful events or a traumatic childhood.  For that reason, addressing and resolving early traumatic experiences may be essential for building self-esteem and social confidence. 

Today, we’ll explore how to go about resolving the traumatic roots of social anxiety so that you can in turn build self-esteem naturally.

To heal from trauma-based social anxiety, tell its origin story

The key to overcoming trauma-based social anxiety is to face, feel, and make sense of the past in a supportive environment.

ADHD and Social Anxiety: Why People with ADHD Struggle Socially

ADHD and Social Anxiety: Why People with ADHD Struggle Socially

Meet Jamun.  He’s creative, enthusiastic, and endlessly curious.  Jamun can converse for hours about nuanced, fascinating topics such as the chemistry of chocolate-making and the ethical dilemmas of artificial intelligence.

Jamun also has ADHD.

Between his strengths, passions, and the fact that he loves people, you’d think Jamun would have a boatload of friends.  Yet when he socializes, he feels deeply insecure.  

In fact, he ruminates endlessly prior to parties, work meetings, and dates.  Afterward, he beats himself up for the things he said and did “wrong,” convinced that others simply don’t like him. 

Exposure Therapy: An Evidence-Based Treatment for Social Anxiety and Dating Anxiety

Exposure Therapy: An Evidence-Based Treatment for Social Anxiety and Dating Anxiety

Do you feel anxious in dating or social settings? If speaking to attractive strangers, trying to make new friends, or socializing at parties makes you feel uncomfortable, exposure therapy could help reduce or even eliminate your anxiety.

👉 Take our free quizzes: Do I Have Social Anxiety and Do I Have Dating Anxiety?

Exposure therapy is a behavioral approach that involves gradual exposure to anxiety-provoking stimuli to help desensitize the brain. This allows individuals to face their fears in manageable doses, using their skills along the way, and over time, their brains stop associating socializing and dating with fear.

In fact, you’ve probably heard of exposure therapy before.  

Do women have more social anxiety than men? What age group has the most social anxiety?

Do women have more social anxiety than men? What age group has the most social anxiety?

19.1% of American adults have a diagnosable anxiety disorder, making anxiety the most common mental health struggle in the United States.

Social anxiety, or the fear of being rejected or humiliated in social settings, affects 7.1% of the adult population each year.

You may be wondering whether some adults are more prone to social anxiety. Do gender or age factor into who gets social anxiety?

Social Anxiety in Couples: Is Shyness Ruining Your Relationship?

Social Anxiety in Couples: Is Shyness Ruining Your Relationship?

Do fears of rejection stop you from communicating openly with your partner?

  • Do you feel guilty because your partner wants you to socialize more?

  • Do you feel frustrated that your partner doesn't like to socialize as much as you do?

  • Does it feel as though you are your partner's main social contact?

Social anxiety (SA) is an intense fear of being rejected and humiliated. Experienced on a regular basis, S.A. can significantly undermine one's ability to build meaningful relationships, particularly intimate partnerships.

Clarifying Your Relationship To Social Anxiety

Clarifying Your Relationship To Social Anxiety

Social anxiety, also known as social phobia, affects each individual differently.  

Some blush and shake when interacting with their boss, yet feel at ease leading team meetings and facilitating company presentations.  Others freeze or have the urge to run when they contemplate approaching someone they find attractive, but feel confident and at ease relating to friends and coworkers. And still others may feel a low-level tension and hypervigilance in any and all social settings.

One of the first steps in overcoming social anxiety is to explore how, when, and where your anxiety arises.  The following lists and questions can help you do just that. 

11 Tips for Overcoming Social Anixety or Dating Anxiety

11 Tips for Overcoming Social Anixety or Dating Anxiety

After treating hundreds of clients at the Social Anxiety Support Center, we’ve learned that every survivor has their own unique set of symptoms, causes, and treatment responses. For that reason, we’ve developed an integrative, client-centered approach to treating social anxiety.  

In addition to outlining the key aspects of our approach, the following 11 tips offer directions for the self-help-seeking survivor.  If you’ve previously sought help and seen limited results, take heart -- many SA sufferers experience relief only after they identify their best-fit treatment.